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How To Install kali Linux in Termux

Hello everyone! In today's post, I'll guide you on installing Kali Nethunter in Termux and walk you through using Kali Linux in Termux.
For those unfamiliar with Kali Linux, fret not – you can install it on your Android device.

If you're new to Termux, check out our previous post on "How to Use Termux for Ethical Hacking."

Now, let's dive into how to use Kali Linux in Termux.

First, allow me to provide you some details:

What is Termux?

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that requires no rooting or setup. It seamlessly combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection, providing a full Linux environment on your Android device.

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution crafted for digital forensics and penetration testing. Loaded with pre-installed tools for penetration testing, network analysis, and vulnerability assessment, it is an indispensable resource for cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers.

What is Kali Nethunter?

Kali Nethunter is a mobile-centric version of Kali Linux, tailored for mobile devices. Equipped with pre-installed tools for mobile penetration testing and hacking, it serves as a potent instrument for cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals. Tasks like network mapping, wireless attacks, and vulnerability exploitation on mobile devices can be effortlessly performed using Kali Nethunter. It is a preferred choice for evaluating the security of mobile devices and networks by penetration testers and cybersecurity experts.

Before we proceed, it's crucial to note that installing Kali Linux on Android without root access has certain limitations, including restricted resources, and not all Kali Linux tools may function optimally. For an optimal experience .


1. A fully charged device

2. A stable internet connection

3. At least 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage

4. Termux app installed

5. A bit of patience 😇

This script is designed for Termux, an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app. The script performs the following actions:

1. termux-setup-storage: This command sets up storage access for Termux, allowing the script to interact with the device's storage. This is typically required for operations that involve reading from or writing to the device's storage.

2. pkg install wget: This command installs the wget package. A command-line tool called wget can be used to get files from the internet. In this case, it is being installed to facilitate downloading the NetHunter installation script.

3. wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr: This command uses wget to download the NetHunter installation script from the specified URL (https://offs.ec/2MceZWr). The option -O is used to specify the output file, and in this case, the script is saved as install-nethunter-termux in the current directory.

4.chmod +x install-nethunter-termux: This command grants execute permissions to the downloaded script (install-nethunter-termux. The +x flag makes the script executable, allowing it to be run as a program.

5. ./install-nethunter-termux: This command runs the NetHunter installation script (`install-nethunter-termux`). The ./ indicates that the script is in the current directory. The script likely contains commands to install and configure Kali NetHunter on the Termux environment.

Please note: Running scripts obtained from the internet poses security risks. Ensure that you trust the source before executing such scripts. Additionally, the provided URL (https://offs.ec/2MceZWr) points to an external location for the NetHunter installation script. Be cautious and make sure you are obtaining scripts from reliable sources.

Follow these steps:

How to easy to Using this Script:

1. Copy the entire script provided.

2. Launch a terminal on your Linux System

3. Paste the copied script into the terminal.

4. Hit Enter to execute the script.

First Command

sudo apt-get update

Second Command

apt-get upgrade

# Set up storage for Termux

# Install wget package
pkg install wget

# Download NetHunter installation script
wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr

# Give execute permissions to the script
chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

# Run the NetHunter installation script

Wait 5-8 Minute

Type 1

Wait 5-10 Minute

Delete downloaded rootfs file? Y/N  

Type Y

If the installation is successful you will see a message like this

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